Pregnancy Calculator

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

Nutrition Tips by Pregnancy Stage

General Tips for Pregnant Women

Proper Nutrition

Ensure you consume balanced meals rich in vitamins and minerals. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits daily, and make sure to drink enough water.

Physical Activity

Engage in walking and light exercises regularly after consulting your doctor. Appropriate exercises help improve mood and reduce back pain.

Sleep and Rest

Get enough sleep, and take regular breaks throughout the day. Sleeping on the left side improves circulation.

Mental Health

Take care of your mental health and share your feelings with close ones. Practicing yoga and meditation helps reduce stress and anxiety.

Medical Follow-Up

Keep up with your regular medical checkups, and maintain a record of any symptoms and changes to discuss with your doctor.

Comfortable Clothing

Choose loose and comfortable clothing, and use a suitable maternity bra. Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes.

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